18/01/2024: Scribing & PVP Announcement

With the 2024 Global Reveal event of “ESO: Gold Road”, ZOS announced the new Scribing system. In this system, players will be able to customize new skills in the weapon, guild and world skilllines.
Owners of “Gold Road” will be able to customize a new skill added to the weapon, guild and world skillines. This means that each of those skilllines will recieve a new, sixth skill. There’s a base variant called a “Grimoire” which can be updated with Primary, Secondary and Tertiary customization options.
The Primary alterations change the type and cost of the skill. The new skill in the Bow weapon skillline was used as example. For instance, its damage type can be changed to Physical, Poison, etc. It can also recieved strong extra effects such as Immobilize or a burst heal. The Secondary alterations give more unique effects according to the devs, with the example showing Stamina Recovery, Healing over Time and more. The Tertiary alterations add a buff or debuff to the skill, such as Minor Vulnerability.
ESO: Gold Road is planned to release on June 3 2024 for PC/Mac and June 18 for the console servers.
There was a smaller announcement concerning PVP for 2024. In Q4, a new PVP related feature will be released. It is unknown what exactly this feature entails, except for the fact that it is not Cyrodiil related (Source: Arttea).
A second example of the Grimoires was published with the Soul Magic skill line, see below (source: this news article).