ESO PVP Builds

Update 44 has launched on the live servers! New sets & builds need to be tested before I can update the site. This will take 2-3 weeks so that a decent build will be posted, and in case some early patch changes occur. Visit my Patreon to see the work in progress on the new builds!

Please be aware that due to a technical issue, some older builds have issues displaying at the moment. We are switching all builds to a new template and updating them in the process.


Werewolf is one of the easiest specs to play, due to it only having one skillbar, its synergy with max health through its main heal and good boosts to damage. However, it has been long neglected for any balance changes and is outperformed by most “normal” classes in ESO. 

Build 1: Hybrid Melee

Applicable for: CP Cyrodiil, CP Imperial City, Duels & Battlegrounds

Updated for: Scions of Ithelia

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  • Werewolf naturally has a lot of pressure, especially with the Berserker morph, but only mediocre survivability. That’s why this build’s sets will mainly focus on tankiness. Oakensoul, enchantments, traits and mundus will provide the needed damage buffs. The damage can be increased further at a cost of survivability by switching out one of the sets to Stuhn’s Favor or Clever Alchemist.

Build 2: Hybrid Melee No-CP

Applicable for: No-CP Cyrodiil & No-CP Imperial City

Updated for: Update 40

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  • Werewolf naturally has a lot of pressure, especially with the Berserker morph, but only mediocre survivability. That’s why this build’s sets will mainly focus on tankiness. Oakensoul, enchantments, traits and mundus will provide the needed damage buffs.